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Q: What type of government did Maryland have when it was a colony?
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What was the government of the Maryland colony?

The government of Colonial Maryland was as a Charter Colony. It was a land grant government that gave the king all rights as a monarch.

Did Maryland colony have a self-government?

Yes, it was self governed.

What type of money did the Maryland colony have?

dollar bills

Led lord Baltimore to establish the Maryland colony?

the English government's persecution of Roman Catholics led Lord Baltimore to establish the Maryland colony.

What type of government did Maryland have?

self government

Was Maryland a self governing colony?

All colonies had their own form of government, so yes. Maryland was a self governing colony from Great Britain as well as the colonies as a whole.

Describe the type of government that was established in the colony?

the type of government that was established in the colony was the "do whatevvv you wanna do, and get laid while you at it, son" type governement.

What type of government did Roanoke colony have?

The Roanoke Colony had a governor. It was not a religious colony.

What type of government did the colony of New Hampshire?

The type of government that the colony of New Hampshire had was referred to a Royal Colony. There was a council that would offer advice the Royal governor.

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carlston Maryland Europe and the Caribbean

Was Maryland a middle colony or southern colony?

Maryland was a southern colony

Was Pennsylvania a middle colony?

Maryland is a middle colony