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Q: What type of government did the National Republicans want?
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Did the Democrats in 1828 want a strong central government?

No, they wanted a small government. They were more focused on the states' rights. Supporters of Adams (National Republicans) were in favor of the strong central gov.

What do Republicans do about government?

They shrink it. Republicans want individual freedom and less government control.

Why did the federal government shut down?

The Republicans didn't want to compromise so they shut the government down.

What is happening to the government of America?

The government shut down because the republicans and democrats are arguing about weather to go forward with Obama Care. The republicans do not want this law to pass, but the democrats do.

Why do democratic-republicans oppose the national bank?

Because they thought that creating a national bank run by the federal government, would give too much power to the federal government. Jeffersonian Republicans wanted states rights and they saw a creation of a national bank as unconstitutional.

What is a key idea of the republicans?

A government that doesn't spend all our money. We want more rights for people and a small government.

Do republicans want a strong federal government?

Both parties want a central government that defends the interests of the one percent.

Why were founders afraid to have a strong national government?

They had been ruled over by a government with too much power for years, and didn't want to create the same type of government after fighting for freedom for 6 years.

Why did the government want to build national road?

To travel west.

Does the US want republicans or democrats to run the house?


Support from immigrants for republic or democrats?

Legal or Illegal? Legal immigrants tend to want to self left alone and to be allowed to earn a living and keep want they earn. People that want that freedom TEND to be Republicans. Illegals tend to want less confirmation and more free gifts from government. They tend to be democrats. If you want freedoms, you tend to want less government. Republicans have tended to be in this same line of thought. Nothing is always in stone, this is just the tendency.

Why was the contuitution written to share power between the states and the national government?

Because the states preexisted the national government and did not want to give up their powers.