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A coalition government. These are usually necessary in a country where proportional representation is used to elect the legislature and are less common in countries where first past the post is used (ex: UK, USA).

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Q: What type of government is formed when several parties combine forces to obtain a majority?
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When several parties combine forces to obtain a majority they form what?

a coalition government.

When several parties combine forces to obtain a majority they form a?

a coalition government.

Definition of coalition government?

This is where two or more political parties form a temporary alliance in order to form a government. This is generally done when neither party has enough elected members to form a majority government on their own.

Why does India have a coalition?

India has several parties that take part in an election. There are very few chances of one party to win by a majority, till now only a few times one party has won by a majority. Since there is no single majority parties have enter into a coalition.

What are coalition governments and why are they often unstable?

A coalition government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the parliament.To deal with a situation in which no clear majorities appear through general elections, parties either form coalition cabinets, supported by a parliamentary majority, or minority cabinets which may consist of one or more parties. Cabinets based on a coalition with majority in a parliament, ideally, are more stable and long-lived than minority cabinets. While the former are prone to internal struggles, they have less reason to fear votes of non-confidence. Majority government based on a single party are typically even more stable, as long as their majority can be maintained.

What is it called when no single party wins a majority and therefore a temporary alliance of several parties must be formed to create a parliament majority?"

Is coalition government sustainable?

Several countries in Europe are proving the answer to this question is yes. In the spring and summer of 2012, a severe debt crisis in Greece led to split elections in which no single party had enough elected officials to seat a ruling majority. The Greek constitution then provides for several parties to form an official coalition and then the coalition seats a ruling majority. However, in this situation, the Greek political parties were unable to form a coalition due to deep differences in their policies and proposals relative to the debt crisis. After a second set of elections, a coalition government in Greece was formed. At the same time, many countries in Europe (including Germany and Ireland) have a similar ruling structure - several political parties can form a coalition to then function as a majority "super party" during the time between elections.

What is a coalition government?

Answer 1Coalition government means alliances of several parties. This situation arises, if no party on its own can achieve majority in the Parliament. To have strong coalitions, it is necessary that political parties must moderate their ideologies and programme.Answer 2A coalition government is where two or more political parties join together in parliament/assembly to run the government and agree on a policy programme. Examples are Wales where Labour and Plaid Cymru have agreed a set of policies, but still campaign against each other outside of the national assembly and Luxembourg where the CSV and LSAP work together for the good of Luxembourg.

What is a temporary alliance of several groups to form a majority in order to gain control of the government?


Does Germany vote to decide who governs the country?

Germany has a parliamentary form of government. It has a two-chamber system consisting of the popularly elected parliament and the "Laenderkammer", the representation of the individual states. The Laenderkammer members are not elected but are members or representatives of the individual state's governments. The head of state is the president who is elected by the members of parliament and the head of the government is the chancellor. Elections are held every five years to select the government, but can be held sooner if the government breaks down. Germany has many different political parties ranging from ultra-conservative to far left-wing. Most of the time none of the parties reach a ruling majority during the elections, resulting in coalitions among several parties.

Do Bakugan combine?

Yes, there are several combiners.

World War 1 n World War 2 how was they differ?

the difference in the parties involved and the fact that WW2 involved the fascist government of Germany while in world war one the government of Germany was just the same as any other monarchy. there are several other reasons but that's the main one and by several i mean several.