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grass,plankton, and trees

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Q: What type of green plants use the sun to produce food?
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What type of things produce their own food from the sunlight?

Green plants, they are called photosynthesizers

What is the type of food made by green plants?


What type of living things are produces?

Green plants that are at the bottom of the food chain

What type of organism uses chemical energy to produce food?

It is producers (plants) which use photosynthesis to not only gain energy, but it is their source of food too. The chlorophyll (what makes plants green) in the chloroplasts allow it to commence this function and turn sunlight into energy.

What is the function of produce?

Producers are organisms, like green plants, that produce organic compounds from inorganic compounds. These are also a type of Autotroph.

What do mature plants produce?

It depends on the type of plant but in most cases plants exist to survive or procreate so they produce either a food store or seeds.

What type of organisms use photosynthesis to make food?

It is called Holophyte (under the Autotrophytes group)

What type of organism that provide food for the other members of the ecosystem?

Autotrouphs or green plants

Which type of organism undergoes photosynthesis converting the energy into a usable form of food for other organisms in an ecosystem?

The green plants having chloroplasts in their cells undergo photosynthesis.

What kind of energy is store into food after light energy is converted into another type when green plants make food?


What might happen in a lake where plants and algae are growing?

Plants and algae can produce a slimy substance in a lake. Blue-green algae is the most dangerous type of algae for a lake to have because it can produce toxins.

Green algae came from which kingdom?

Green algae belong to Kingdom Protista. Green algae is a very diverse type of algae. Actually, green algae is sort of similar to plants. The green algae contain two forms of chlorophyll and capture light energy to produce sugar in similar with the plant. However, unlike the plants the green algae are aquatic. The species are named algae because they are aquatic and make their own food.