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Q: What type of heat transfer is trapped in green houses?
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Why type of heat transfer is trapped by green houses?

its trapped by radiation. your welcome.

What type of heat transfer is transfered through green houses?

All types, but green houses are designed to take advantage of radiation heating and cooling.

Which form of heat transfer is caused by the green houses effect?

Radiation is the form of heat transfer that is caused by the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide is an example of a greenhouse gas.

How does temperature affect the climate?

The heat from the sun causes the surface of the earth to warm up and with the amount of green houses there are it causes the heat from the sun to trapped and that causes global warming.

Trapped air is a good what because it reduces heat transfer?


Why is glass a better conductor then styrofoam?

In glass the atoms are quite close together, and so can transfer heat (in the form of vibrations of atoms) from one to another. Styrofoam is mostly trapped air, and in air the atoms are far apart, so the transfer of heat is much slower. It is significant that the air is trapped, because if it could flow, that flow of air would carry heat,

What does trapped heat cause?

Trapped heat causes a climate change.

How the greenhouse effect exist?

The sun's heat warm the Earth's surface. A part of the radiation that falls on the Earth is absorbed by it and a part of it is reflected back into space. A part of the reflected radiation is trapped by the atmosphere. The trapped radiations further warm the Earth. The Sun's heat is allowed to go in but not allowed to go out. The trapped heat warms the Green House. The trapping of the radiations by the Earth's atmosphere is similar. That is why it is called Green House Effect.

How does convection transfer heat from one place to another on the earth?

by green house effect

When the heat that is usually radiated back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation gets trapped and forms a dome that holds heat in this is called the what effect?

green house effect

Why is trapped air a good insulator?

Because air is a very low density material, there are not a lot of atoms per unit volume to engage in heat transfer type collisions, and if the air is trapped and therefore motionless, it does not carry heat away with it by moving to another location.

What is convective heat transfer?

Convection heat transfer is the transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid.