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Kino and Juana live in a brush house made of reeds and adobe in a rural village, while the people in the city live in more modern houses made of concrete and bricks. The brush house is simpler and reflects their traditional way of life as fishermen.

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Q: What type of house do Kino and Juana have as opposed to the people in the city?
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On page 59 of "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, Juana leaves the house and accompanies Kino to the doctor's house to treat their son, Coyotito, who was stung by a scorpion. She is determined to help her son and will do whatever it takes to ensure his well-being.

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No, Juana does not blame Kino for Coyotito's death. Instead, she prioritizes moving forward and staying close to Kino to support each other through the tragedy.

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when Juana and Kino started having differing views on whether or not they should keep the pearl, their downfall began. Juana realized that they shouldn't keep it while Kino didnt. The pearl caused them to have fights as Kino even attacked Juana and harmed her. The songs which used to be their way of communication became non evident as their relationship was breaking up because the didnt have that same togetherness that they used to share

In chapter 5 of The Pearl after they lose their home where do Kino Juana and Coyotito hide?

In Chapter 5 of "The Pearl," Kino, Juana, and Coyotito hide in a cave in the mountains above their village. They stay there to avoid being caught by their pursuers who are trying to take the valuable pearl from them.

Where did kino juana and the baby stay before they take off the next day?

Kino, Juana, and the baby stayed in the family brush house at the edge of the town before they departed the next day. It was a small, simple dwelling made of brush and had a fire pit in the center.