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Q: What type of land surface warms up and cools off faster?
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Which warms faster water or land?

The land warms faster

Does water cool more quickly than land?

Land cools faster because land is floating on the earths surface. Water gets deeper, so the suns heat cant heat the bottom of the ocean as well as the surface

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A surface current warms or cools the air above it, influencing the climate of the land near the coast.

Does land lose heat faster than water?

Soil is solid. Its molecules are close to one another so it heats faster. It also cools faster. Water is liquid. Molecules in liquids are farther apart so water heats more slowly............ Andre Ü

What does land do quicker than water to make local winds occur?

warms and cools

Is sea breeze at day or night time?

Sea breezes happen at day time and the sun warms up the ground and water.Water warms and cools down slower then the land does, and water is more dense are packed with more particles then land is witch makes land warmup and cool down faster then water

Why do you get land breezes?

Land breezes usually occur at night. The sun warms the sea and the land during the day. At night, the land cools faster than the water. The heat rising off the water causes lower pressure over the water which draws air away from the land.

Why does a land breeze occur?

Land cools off faster than water.

Why does land breeze occur at nightime?

Because the land cools down faster than the sea at night, so warm air over the sea rises, 'sucking' the surface air out from over the land.

Why does land heats and cools faster than water?

beacause its solid

Is the earth created evenly or unevenly?

unevenly,land heats faster and cools faster than water