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Sea breezes happen at day time and the sun warms up the ground and water.Water warms and cools down slower then the land does, and water is more dense are packed with more particles then land is witch makes land warmup and cool down faster then water

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Q: Is sea breeze at day or night time?
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What time of day is sea breeze?

It is during the day time and land breeze is at night.

Does the sea breeze blow in the day or at night?


Is the sea colder at night?

No, that's why there's land breeze at night, and sea breeze during the day. Sea breeze occurs during the day so it means it's colder than the land during the day. Hope you understand! :D

What time of day does land breeze occur?

Land breezes occur during the time of night.

Why is there often a sea breeze during day and a land breeze at night?

becauseduring day, land heats up quicker than sea

What time does sea breeze start?

during the day

similarities between sea breeze and land breeze?

that they matter to the breezes and one happens at night and the other happens at day

Compare the conditions that cause a sea breeze with those tht cause a land breeze?

a sea breeze is caused by the sea winds and occurs at the night, while land breezes are during the day and are from land:) lol.

When does sea breeze occur?

A sea breeze occurs when a tidal wave comes up and then back down and then that wave goes up onto the shore.Any time.

At what time of the day does a sea breeze happen?

A sea breeze happens during the day because the hotter air from the land rises when the cooler air from the sea slips underneath and forms a sea breeze. Then at night the opposite happens which is called a land breeze. The land is cooler than the ocean making the warmer ocean air rise up the allow the cool land air underneath and this creates what is called a land breeze. :)

What is caused by the rotation of earth?

The Earth's rotation causes night and day.

When would you be most likely to experience a sea breeze?

During the night of a very sunny day