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The upper house and the lower house. They equalized each other out

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a new government with 2 houses and the president

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Q: What type of legislature did the articles of confederation have?
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How many houses have tha Articles of Confederation?

the articles of confederation had a one house legislature

What was one restriction of the legislature of the Articles of confederation?

because they were gay

Was the Articles of Confederation a unicameral form of government?

Yes. The Articles of Confederation outlined that the United States should be governed by a one-house legislature, known commonly as the Confederation Congress.

What was the name of the legislature under the Articles of Confederation?

"Congress" was the name of the federal legislature just as it is under the Constitution today.

What wasnt given to the legislature under the Articles of Confederation?

send or recall taxes

What weakness of the articles of confederation made enforcing the laws of congress impossible?

under the articles there was only a unicomeral legislature so that there was no seperation of powers.

What were the state government powers in the articles of confederation?

The Articles created a one-house legislature as the Confederation's main institution. Making the government and unicameral system of government. Read more:

Why did the articles of confedetation fail?

The Articles of Confederation failed because the government had no way to collect taxes to keep itself running under it's legislature.

Who under the Articles of Confederation who chose the federal government's Congress of delegates?

State Legislatures

How many houses does the legislative branch have in the articles of confederation?

The Articles of Confederation did not create a legislative branch with multiple houses. Instead, it established a unicameral legislature where each state had an equal vote, regardless of size or population.

What document preceded the constitution as the framework for American government?

the articles of confederation

The U.S. Constitution replaced the Articles of what?

The Articles of Confederation.