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since it spread over a vast area so this should be the diverging kind of beam light.

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Q: What type of light beams you receive sunlight on earth surface?
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What happens to the sunlight that hits the surface of the Earth?

Sunlight that hits the Earth's surface is absorbed by the Earth. It is then reflected back.

What location on earth receive the most sunlight?

On a yearly basis the Earth receives the same amount of sunlight on its total surface. The distribution of light to dark periods is different by latitude and time of year

What type of light beams you received as a sunlight on earth surface?

A wide spectrum of light (e-m wavelengths) from the far infrared through to the ultra violet and beyond.

Did sunlight hit all part of all earth evenly?

Of course sunlight doesn't hit the earth's surface evenly! Countries on the equator or near it receive the most direct sunlight. And of course countries in the artic circle have hardly any! [^-^]

How many minutes does the sunlight touch the earth surface?

Sunlight is constantly touching the earth's surface. It never stops. (we hope)

How does the angle at which sunlight strikes earth surface affect the intensity of the sunlight?

The more acute the angle at which the sunlight strikes, the more atmosphere that sunlight must pass through. Passing through more atmosphere will weaken and dim the light beams. As the angle at which sunlight hits the earth changes, the same amount of sunlight is spread over different areas, so that near the poles each area of surface receives less intense radiation than an equivalent area near the poles.

What is the percentage of sunlight reflected by the earth's surface?

On average the earth reflects about 30% of the incident sunlight.

Where does the earth receive direct sunlight?

it doesn't thankfully...its filtered through our atmosphere..thankfully.

What reflects sunlight off Earth's surface?


Why do we get moonlight?

It is sunlight reflected from the moon's surface onto the earth.

Why is it easier to use solar power in space than it is on the Earth?

In space there is not air to diffuse many of the sun's beams or clouds to block sun beams, you simply get direct sunlight from the sun.

What is mainly responsible for the unequal heating of earth's surface?

The angle at which the sunlight strikes the Earth