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active listening

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Q: What type of listening occurs when a listener engages the speaker with verbal feedback?
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What type of listening occurs when a listener engages the speaker with verbal feed back?

two way active

What exactly is active listening?

a type of listening in which the listener focuses on the speaker and actively tries to draw the speaker's intended meaning out of his or her words

How would you define listening?

A type of listening in which the listener focuses on the speaker and actively tries to draw the speaker's intended meaning out of his or her words

What is judgemental listening?

This refers to listening that is based on hasty judgement and inability of the listener to understand the speaker's mindset.

What is active listening?

Accurately hearing what is said by focusing attention on the speaker

What is global listening?

global listening is a type of listening where the listener focuses on the speaker and picks up more than what is being communicated or said.

What are the 5 characteristics of a good listener according to mcburney and wrage?

Physical features of active listening include: 1. Sitting or stand attentively. 2. Watching the speaker. You are less likely to daydream if you maintain eye contact with the speaker. 3. Maintaining a quiet and alert appearance when listening. 4. Responding with feedback when appropriate.

What is sympathetic listening?

This could be considered the most challenging type of listening because the listener's role is often not to respond at all. The speaker who seeks sympathetic listening might have suffered a tragedy or needs someone to listen to a series of complex thoughts. The listener can help by validating what the speaker says and supporting her words. In this case, it's best for the listener to refrain from offering suggestions or clouding up the speaker's thoughts. ( Answered by Chowder)

What are the key elements of listening?

Comprehending: An active listener determines the context and meaning of each word in order to understand what the speaker is saying. Retaining: Mindfully listening increases retention. We have to be able to remember what someone said in order to respond to it, so an active listener pays attention in order to retain the information. Responding: An active listener often responds to the speaker with nonverbal cues like body language in order to not reverse the speaker/listener roles. Verbal responses can either repeat, paraphrase, or reflect upon what the speaker said in order to show that the listener is really listening and understanding what is being said.

What are the elements of active listening?

Comprehending: An active listener determines the context and meaning of each word in order to understand what the speaker is saying. Retaining: Mindfully listening increases retention. We have to be able to remember what someone said in order to respond to it, so an active listener pays attention in order to retain the information. Responding: An active listener often responds to the speaker with nonverbal cues like body language in order to not reverse the speaker/listener roles. Verbal responses can either repeat, paraphrase, or reflect upon what the speaker said in order to show that the listener is really listening and understanding what is being said.

List four of the five physical features of being a good listener.?

Physical features of active listening include: 1. Sitting or stand attentively. 2. Watching the speaker. You are less likely to daydream if you maintain eye contact with the speaker. 3. Maintaining a quiet and alert appearance when listening. 4. Responding with feedback when appropriate.

How does listening affect oral communication?

Communication occurs when a sender expresses an emotion or a feeling, creates an idea, or senses the need to communicate. Factors that affect the success of oral communication include the environment in which communication is attempted and the characteristics of both the speaker and listener. The willingness of both parties to unite these factors can greatly improve the effectiveness of communication. The importance of listening in communication is enormous. People often focus on their speaking ability believing that good speaking equals good communication but without proper listening, communication does not occur. listening is one of the factors that need to be given importance when using Oral Communication. Effective listening is active participation in a conversation which helps the speaker becomes understood. Without active participation between the listener and the speaker, the speaker would sometimes get easily misunderstood. People who are successful communicators take responsibility for being certain that you understand what they are saying by speaking in simple, grammatical, and understandable terms. They also give examples, ask for feedback, put what they said previously in different words, and try to make it easy for you to gain the true intent of their communications. However, the listener must hear and not assume what is said. The listener can easily get distracted by the speaker's manner , accent, dress or grooming, language style, or delivery of the message if the listener does learn to tune them out. These factors listed above are a major affect of oral communication because the listener attention is focus elsewhere other than the message the speaker trying to make understood. If the listener let these distraction draw them away from the speaker message it would be very hard for them to give any type of feedback because they were not listening. It is very embarrassing for the listener to be asked to give feedback on the speaker message and they do not respond or comes up with something totally different because he or she wasn't paying any attention .