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are there any answer that math is related to forensic science

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Q: What type of mathematics are used for forensic science?
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Related questions

What is the different between maths and science?

Answer: Mathematics are the tools of science Answer: Mathematics is ONE major branch of science; there are other branches of science. Mathematics is used in the other "exact sciences", for example in physics or chemistry.

What's the difference between a forensic scientist and a forensic science technician?

Forensic science is used to describe all categories of science in the legal system. forensic technicians are in a certain category within forensic science.

How is science used in forensics?

Forensic Science.

An unknown murder victim was finally identified that led to the arrest of a suspect?

forensic anthropology is the type of science used

A serious answer why is math used in forensic science?

Forensic mathematics is critical within the area of DNA.The goeometric mean is used when findin g the area of a fingerprint. Click on the related links section indicated below for some very detailed information concerning this issue.

How can UV light be used in forensic science?


What types of science are involved in forensic science?

botany chemistry biology zoologyANY of the sciences may be used to solve legal questions and therefore 'forensic' might be appended to that science - e.g. forensic geology.Commonly used in the crime laboratory are Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

How are skeletons used in forensic science?

They're used in forensic science to help you learn about specific parts ofthe body. they may also be used by helping you learn about bones,muscles and joints.

What are the radioisotopes used in forensic science?

the radioisotopes are used to determine age of the deceast.

How are triangles used in science?

Triangles are an important part of mathematics (there is a whole branch of mathematics devoted to the study of triangles, called trigonometry) and mathematics is the language of science.

How triangles used in science?

Triangles are an important part of mathematics (there is a whole branch of mathematics devoted to the study of triangles, called trigonometry) and mathematics is the language of science.

How would forensic science be used in court?

by playing call of duty