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Solids hold their shape due to their atoms being held tightly together.

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Q: What type of matter holds its shape?
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Which matter holds its own shape?


What type of matter can change shape and volume?

The matter that can change shape and volume is gas.

What type of matter has not definite shape or size?

A gas has no definite shape or volume.

What is a type of matter that takes the shape of its container?

a fluid

What type of bond holds proteins in their specific shape?

Disulfide or peptide bonds.

A form of matter that has its own shape and volume?

Solids are the type of matter with contain their own shape. Liquids take the shape of the container they are in and gasses fill their container, so therefore, solids are the type of matter which have a shape of their own.

What state of matter has strong forces between the particles?

The state of matter that holds its shape is called solid. Other states such as liquid, gas, and plasma, do not hold their shape.

What type of Matter that has definite shape but no definite volume?

The type of matter with a definite volume but no fixed shape is a liquid. In a gas, there is no definite volume or shape, and in a solid there is a fixed shape and definite volume. A liquid is free to adopt of shape of its container, but its volume is fixed.

What type of matter has its own shape but no definite volume?

A gas.

What type of matter does not change shape in different containers?


which type of matter has an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume?


What state of matter do particles spread apart to fill the available space?

Gaseous states of matter spread apart to fill the shape and the volume of the container which holds them.