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They are allowed to eat any meat other than pork, as long as it is Halal.

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Q: What type of meat is allowed to Muslim to eat?
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Is meat halal in Hong Kong?

Meat is halal (allowed) for Muslims anywhere so far meeting the allowed (hala) Muslim food requirements. Refer to the related question, listed below, for more information on what is allowed for Muslims to eat and not eat.

Are Muslims not allowed to eat meat with bones?

Muslims are allowed to eat meat with bones (but of course not eating bones). Refer to question below for what meat allowed for Muslims to eat.

Are Jews allowed to eat meat and vegetables together?

yes they are they are only not allowed to eat dairy and meat together.

Do Muslims eat goat?

Yes, with great pleasure. If you have a goat and a Muslim neighbour, invite him to dinner and he will be very thankful to you for offering him goat meat.

Are muslims allowed to eat meat everyday?

Yes. They are allowed.

Is it ok for a muslim to eat a Christian's meat?

Not if it's pork.

Can people who are not allowed to eat meat able to eat poultry?

No because its like meat. Chicken for instance is counted as meat.

Can Muslims eat crocodile meat?

It is not allowed.

When a Muslim came in Hindu country what he get hall food?

It is not permissible for a Muslim to eat meat from any non-muslim especially Musrik (idolators). However he can purchase vegetables and flour etc to make food. He should NOT eat food which has been prepared in the name of idols and false gods. However if a Muslim is in a desperate situation and he has to eat meat for some reason and he is unable to slaughter an animal himself and he is really desperate and there is kosher meat available then he may eat kosher meat, but not meat from Hindus.

What type of food is not eaten by Hindus?

In Hinduism eating beef is a strict no no. Some Hindus are allowed to eat meat but not all are.

Can Muslim touch pig?

NO! because if they do they will "die"..... i hate this job.

Can relatives of a muslim eat meat if amember of the family dies?
