

What type of medium does sound go through?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Solid, liquid or gas.

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Q: What type of medium does sound go through?
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What is a sound medium?

it allows sound to go through it

What happens when you yell in space?

Sound won't travel in space because it has no medium to go through.

How does sound react with different phases of matter?

Sound waves have to go through a medium, or matter. Usually the medium is air, but they can go through any matter. Sound waves cannot exist in outer space because there is no matter for the wave to travel through. Sound waves travel at different speeds, depending on the medium. This is similar to light, because light slows down in mediums other than air (eg. water, crystal, ect.)

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they go through a medium which makes them break when they hit the floor a solid

What does sound go faster through a vacuum or a solid?

Sound travels faster through a solid than through a vacuum. In a solid, sound waves propagate through the material's molecules, leading to faster transmission. In a vacuum, there are no molecules to transmit sound, so it cannot travel at all.

Does sound go quieter when it hits a material?

When sound reaches a boundary between two different media, some energy is reflected back, some is absorbed as heat, and some is transferred through the new medium. The overall effect of this is that the sound is indeed quieter in the new medium than it was in the old.

Is speed faster than sound?

A: it is an incorrect question;Speed and Sound are different and cannot be compared.speed is the ratio between distance and time (how long does it take to go how far?)sound is a compression wave travelling through a medium

Which material does sound go through the quickest?

There is no material sound can go through the quickest. Sound always have the same speed.

Why can't sound travel through a vaccuum?

Any sound waves use a medium to travel along (on Earth the medium is Air, Water or any Solid.A Vacuum, like Space, does not contain any particles; therefore sound waves have no medium through which to travel and thus Sound will NOT Travel (or be heard).More informationSound or Sound Waves, are mechanical energy, and require a mechanical medium to propagate (or travel). That means that the medium must behave or respond in some mechanical way to conduct sound. Air or any liquid or solid will respond mechanically to the compression and refraction of a Sound Wave.In a vacuum, there is no Mechanical Medium and so Nothing to be compressed, so no sound will travel.Because sound, unlike light, needs a medium, usually air. In a vacuum, there is no air.Sounds cannot trasvel in a vacuum because they have no medium in which they can travel through.Sound travel through matter, trough the interaction of the electrical force between particles.Vacuum is per definition empty of matter, so there is nothing for a sound wave to propagate trough.Sound relies on the movement of atoms to propagate.Sound is simply the vibration of atoms in the air but a vacuum contains no atoms so there are no atoms to vibrate and sound cannot travel.

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Assume you are growing bacteria on a lipid medium that started at pH 7. The action of bacterial lipases should cause the pH of the medium to increase or decrease? Why?

How fast through the speed of sound can a blackbird go?

A blackbird doesn't go "through the speed of sound", it moves through the air.

Does sound travel through metals faster than it does through nonmetals?

no this a opaque material opaque is a material where light cannot pass through so it cannot pass through