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Q: What type of movement occurs along normal faults?
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What often occurs along faults or breaks in earths crust where movement occurs?


What type of movement along normal faults?

vertical... i think

Is true about a hanging wall?

It slips downward when movement occurs along a normal faultIt occurs when the fault is at an angle

What is true about a hanging wall?

It slips downward when movement occurs along a normal faultIt occurs when the fault is at an angle

Why are normal faults common along divergent boundary's?

why are

When movement occurs along a normal fault?

The hanging wall goes down while the footwall goes up.

Seismic waves are generated by movement along?

Seismic waves are generated by movement along faults. See the related question for more information.

How does the movement of the crust along a thrust fault differ from that along the normal fault?

The movement of the crust along a thrust fault is usually a reverse movement unlike the movement along a normal fault.

How does the movement of the crust along a thrust fault differ from that along a normal fault?

The movement of the crust along a thrust fault is usually a reverse movement unlike the movement along a normal fault.

How is it known that earthquakes are the result of movement along faults?

Because after earthquakes, it is possible to see examples of displacement of the ground across faults.

What does faults mean?

Normal faults are when you have hanging walls that slide down relative to and below the footwall. Dip-slip faults are normal faults.

How do faullt-block mountains form?

along nearly parallel normal faults.