

What type of muscle tissue you would find in toes?

Updated: 3/19/2022
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Q: What type of muscle tissue you would find in toes?
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What is the most abundant muscle tissue?

the most abundant tissue in the human body is the skeletal muscle. Connective tissueSkin Tissues. Large surface area. Top to toes.

What is the muscle in your toe called?

There are seven muscles that control the toes. The "big toe" is controlled by the flexor hallucis longus, the flexor hallucis brevis and the abductor hallucis. The three middle toes are controlled by the flexor digitorum brevis and the extensor digitorum brevis. The last and smallest toe is controlled by the flexor digiti minimi and the abductor digiti minimi.

What muscle to you stretch when touching your toes?

The muscle that forms the calf of your lower leg is the muscle that helps you lift to your toes. This muscle is called the gastrocnemius.

What muscle allows you to stand on your tip toes.?

Calf Muscle

What type of tissue transmits messages from the head to the toes?

Nerve tissue.

What muscle also called toes dancer's muscle a two belled muscle of the calf?


What happens when the muscle contracts?

Points The toes

How can I exercises the Abductor muscle of the toes?

Play a video game machine with your toes, it actually works!!!!!!!!!

Muscle that extends the toes?

extensor digitorium longus

Why does spinning exercise hurt calf muscle?

if you are spinning on your toes or with your toes pointed, the calf muscle is hurting because it is being used and is probably cramping or becoming fatigued

Why do your toes curl when your foot is tickled?

Why does your toes curl when the foot is tickled?because your feet and your toes are connetced to the same muscle and when the foot is tickled the toes automaticaly curl up .:)

What are the side-effects of too much ergotamine?

ergot poisoning. Symptoms include headache, muscle pain, numbness, coldness, and unusually pale fingers and toes. If not treated, the condition can lead to gangrene (tissue death).