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Q: What type of muscle would we find in the walls of the large intestine?
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How would I know if the large intestine isn't working?

You would know, because your p**p comes from your large intestine. You have muscles to push it out.

What is the organ attached to your liver?

it would be the large intestine

What would a long food tube be?

the large intestine

What vessels have smooth muscle in their walls?

Those would be they Arteries and arterioles.

An aerobic bacteria would most likely infect the?

Large intestine

If you didn't have a large intestine what would happen?

we would die a painful death from AIDS

What happens After the large intestine where does food go?

It goes to the rectum and anus then into the toilet.

What are the main structures you could observed if you had remove the exoskeleton of the abdomen?

If you opened the abdomen of a crayfish you would see the intestine , flexor muscle and extensor muscle

How does antibiotics from the small intestine reach the right foot?

The small intestine absorbs nutrients before material reaches the large intestine. So the antibiotic would be absorbed.

Can baby live with no large and small intestine?

If a child is born without a large intestine it cannot live obviously, where else would it's waste be transported through?

What would the human body do without the large intestine?

I guess you would be full of doo-doo.

Extensive damage to the large intestine would have the greatest effect on?

water reabsorption