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Dogs can be taught to identify the specific scent of individual types of drugs. Narcotics detection dogs can typically detect recreational and illegal substances including cocaine/crack, hashish, opium, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, Xanax, and Ecstasy. As new drugs become available or popular, dogs can be taught to detect their scents as well.

If it is so taught to, but concievably without such training it may hone in on a "suspicious" scent. Point is DONT DO/DEAL DRUGS.

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Q: What type of narcotics are drug dogs trained to find?
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Where do drug dogs get trained?

For starters, obtain illegal drugs. (I'm kidding, don't, drugs are bad.) A dog can only be trained to scent something with that something. A dog can only be trained to scent marijuana with marijuana....

What dogs can be trained to find drugs?

Many, many different types of dogs can be trained to become drug searchers. Usually dogs with an exceptional sense of smell are used, such as Labradors, bloodhounds, and beagles. These dogs go through an intense training program and have to pass an exit exam to actually work in the fields as a drug dog.

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Drug dogs are specially trained to sniff out the specific substance which they are presented. They are given a sample of the smell and then ordered to find it elsewhere. Therefor they could be trained to sniff out psilocybin.However these drugs tend to be much less common to be arrested for, so its probably very unlikely that they would be trained to smell out mushrooms.

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Dogs can be trained to smell the gun powder in the device and when found are trained to sit by it to alert their handler where it is, some are even taught to sit and howl or bark

What do police dogs find?

They are trained to find a variety of drugs, explosive materials, and even cell phones! Some dogs are called 'cadaver dogs' because they are trained to find dead people that are under collapsed buildings, out in fields, or deeply-wooded areas.

Anonymous help with drug addiction?

Seek out a local or online support group like Narcotics Anonymous or SMART Recovery for help with drug addiction. Consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor trained in addiction treatment for additional support. Remember that you are not alone in this journey and asking for help is a brave and important step towards recovery.

What would cause a drug dog to alert positive for narcotics?

The short answer is - nothing. A well trained drug dog (like US Customs) is so accurate its spooky. They are still dogs and despite training, they can get distracted by different smells like female dogs in heat, crispy bacon, a dead bird, etc. But they will not alert on these smells as if it were drugs. There are always exceptions, but its almost impossible to find documented examples of false alerts and usually there are reasons why the dog alerted - like the suitcase had been intentionally dusted with finely powdered marijuana to create a distraction.

What are 2 organizations were an alcholic might find help?

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous (which considers alcohol to be just another drug.)

How are dogs trained to find people when they are lost?

Scent dogs are trained to track a particular scent they are given by their handlers. You start with training dogs to follow one scent and find a hidden treat, such as a toy or food reward. Over time, you make the trail longer and harder to follow.

Is there a drug center where I can volunteer?

There are many places where you can volunteer. I would suggest that you contact Narcotics Anonymous ( as a starting point. You could also find out if there are any drug support groups in your local area.

What are detector dogs trained to do?

find drugs, bad people, things, missing people, weapons, etc.

How far can police dogs smell drugs?

They can only smell what they are trained to smell bomb dogs only smell for explosives. Drug dogs only smell for what drugs they where trained to smell and a missing persons dogs is trained to pick up different humans by command of the officer. U can train your dog to smell out what ever u want take a tennis ball or sock put the item or smell u want him to learn after a few times of fetch or training him to find it when u hide it with treats after every time they actually find it then u will have a sniffing dog real soon