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Q: What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentence During World War 2 many new WORDS came into our language.?
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What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentenceDuring World War 2 many new WORDS came into your language?

The noun 'words' is a plural, common, concrete noun; a word for units of language. The noun 'words' is the subject of the example sentence.

When we use capital letters before sentences?

We use capital letters at the beginning of the sentence.

What are some rules about using capital letters in a sentence?

When you using capital letters you have to be very careful. Always use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and with proper nouns (names, places, etc.)

Where do you put capital letters?

You would put capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. As in " I am bored". You would use a capital. Hope ot helped

What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentence max has applied to the US Air Force academy that is just north of Colorado Springs?

Proper Noun

What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentence Max has applied to the US Air Force Academy that is just north of COLORADO SPRINGS.?

Proper Noun

When and how to use Capital letters?

You use capital letters only if it is a place. Also you use it to capitalize your first word of a sentence.

What are the uses for capital?

Capital letters are used at the start of a sentence, or mainly used to make a certain part of a sentence STAND OUT.

What type of noun appears in all the capital letters in this sentence max has applied to the us air force academy that id just north of Colorado Springs?

Proper Noun A+++

What 4 things do you need to have a complete sentence?

pontuations capital letters

How do you use capital letters?

A capital letter is used to mark the beginning of each new sentence. Capitals are also used when writing proper nouns such as Abraham Lincoln. For example, this sentence which mentions Chicago has two capital letters.

Why does JACK written in a capital letters in a sentence?

Because u smell bad!!