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All tube like structures in body contains smooth muscles in them. For example, smooth muscles in bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, ureters of kidneys, muscles in uterus(womb.)and smooth muscles in blood vessels. They are all involuntary muscles.That means they are not under your control but under control of autonomic nervous system.

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8y ago

The stomach is the organ that has an extra layer of muscle.
The organ that has a extra layer of muscle is the liver.

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12y ago

Stomach, vas deferens, myometrium

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Q: What type of organs contain smooth muscle?
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What type of muscle tissue is only found in the organs?

Most of the organs contain smooth muscle. The exception is the heart, which contains cardiac muscle.

What is the type of muscle found in walls of your organs?

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What type of muscle found in the walls of your organs?

Smooth muscle.

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The internal organs except for the heart have smooth muscle. The heart has myocardial muscle.

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Smooth muscle (which is not striated)

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Smooth muscles. These muscles are not striated and are involuntary.

Which type of muscle tissue makes possible movement of internal organs?

Internal organs usually do not move. Unless you mean the contraction of the heart, which is composed of cardiomyocytes. If you have experienced some strange movement of other organs you should contact your doctor.

What kind of Involuntary muscle is found in the walls of blood vessels and in the digestive tract?

Smooth muscle tissue is the type of muscle tissue found in the walls of many organs and blood vessels in the body.