

What type of paper burns the longest?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What type of paper burns the longest?
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Type your answer here... hi im paul

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I would use wax paper because of all the different kinds of paper, its the least absorbant.

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The large wing usually works depending on what type of paper plane you want.

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The large wing usually works depending on what type of paper plane you want.

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The paper boat with the largest volume will float the longest basically the largest paper boat will float the longest.

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When paper burns in a fire, the reactants are mostly carbon (the main substance in the paper) and oxygen(from the air).

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The longest ballad is called the wistle by Robet Burns its about 120 verses long

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The wing that has a longer wing cause it could fly longer.

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a line paper

What kind of paper airplane stays in the air for the longest?

The kind of paper that makes a paper airplane stay in the air the longest is blank paper because blank paper has the right amount of heaviness to make it stable.In CNN Student News,blank paper flew the greatest and longest time and distance.

At what temperature will paper burn?

the burning rate of paper actually depends on the type of paper because they all have different densitys which will affect the burning rate of each type conclusion there are different burning rates.