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Q: What type of particle found in an atom has no charge?
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What type of particle in an atom has a negative charge?

the electron

What type of neutral subatomic particle is found in the atom's nucleus?


What type of charge is found in the nucleus of an atom?

Neutral charge

What is the major type of subatomic particle NOT found within the nucleus of an atom?


What type of particles are found the nucleus?

Neutrons (no charge) and protons (positive charge) are found in the nucleus. Electrons (negative charge) are found in the electron cloud of an atom.

What are protons and where are they found?

Protons are a type of subatomic particle, which are found in the nucleus of every atom. Protons have an electrical charge of +1. A proton is about 2000 times heavier than an electron.

Particles is found in the nucleus of an atom?

Particles found in the nucleus of an atom are named as nucleons. There are mainly two type of nucleons. They are protons and neutrons. Protons are having positive charge but neutron is chargeless. To keep these nucleons together a particle known as pi mesons are exchanged between the nucleons.

Which type of particle in the atom is in orbits?

the electrons

How is are element and an atom different?

An atom is an individual particle made of protons(positively charged particles), electrons(negatively charged particles) and neutrons(particles with no charge). The type of atom depends on the number of protons in the nucleus(the centre of the atom). An element is all atoms of the same type.

Is electron a type of chemical bond?

No. An electron is a fundamental particle with a charge of -1. Electrons are in "clouds" around the central positively charged nucleus of an atom.

How does an atom charge while it under goes radioactive decay?

That depends on the type of decay. For example, if it emits an alpha particle, which has a charge of +2, the atom's charge would change to -2. However, it will probably soon lose the two extra electrons, to become neutral again.

What do you call the type of radiation that is described as having a positive charge with an atomic mass of 4 making it a Helium atom without any electrons?

an alpha particle