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Q: What type of people were most influenced by enlightenment ideas?
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Which of these was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment-?

The ideas of the enlightenment mostly influenced American revolution. The Declaration of Independence-apex

Which group had the most influenced on the ideas stated in the declaration of independence and US constitution?

philosophers of the enlightenment

Enlightenment ideas influence the bill of rights?

enlightenment ideas greatly influenced the bill of rights, dec. of independence constitution and most of our other important documents. without the enlightenment ideas, our country would not be the same as it is now, if it existed at all. some ideas that were influential in our country are:-the rights to life and liberty-freedom of speech-freedom of religion-freedom of thought-democracy-"we the people"and many others. our country has been influenced by the enlightenment and it's ideas greatly.

How did Enlightenment ideas about liberty natural rights and human dignity apply to most of the worlds people in the eighteenth century?

Enlightenment ideas did not apply to three-quarters of the world's people, who were in bondage.

What key ideas led to the American Revolution?

The main idea that led to the American Revolution was that people should not be taxed if they do not have representation in the body that is taxing them. Another idea is that people should be free to choose who it is that governs them. self government and individual rights (gradpoint)

Which of the values put forth during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language?

the idea that different cultures, beliefs, ideas, and value systems had equal value

What of the values put forth during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language?

The values of reason, individualism, and secularism put forward during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language in terms of clarity, logical structure, and a focus on empirical evidence. The emphasis on rational thought and critical thinking during the Enlightenment led to the development of language that is precise, analytical, and focused on conveying information objectively.

Where did most of the ideas of the Declaration of Independence come from?

Enlightenment thinkers

What was the most significant thing about the Enlightenment?

The European Enlightenment was most important for the ideas of government. New thinkers led the way for governments that were more responsive to the needs and rights of citizens. The writings of John Locke, for example greatly influenced the Framers of the US Constitution.

Which phenomenon among ordinary people most likely helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment?

more people were able to read

Which of these was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment?

The Declaration of Independence

What was the most inspired ideas of the Enlightenment?

The Declaration of Independence