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Strike-Slip faults are found at transform boundaries because strike slip faults push and pull on opposing forces HORIZONTALLY exactly like a transform boundary.

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Jimmy Mueller

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Q: What type of plate boundary are strike slip fault found?
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At what type of plate boundary are strike-slip faults found near?

A certain type of strike-slip fault is found at a transform plate boundary.

What is the name of the part of the plate boundary that passes through California?

actually it is not a plate boundary it is a fault a strike slip fault -les bois student014

What type of plate boundary are strike slip fault found at?

Strike-Slip faults are found at transform boundaries because strike slip faults push and pull on opposing forces HORIZONTALLY exactly like a transform boundary.

What kind of boundary is the San Andreas fault?

The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform boundary that extends roughly 810 miles (1,300 km) through California, forming the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. Its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal).

The San Andreas fault is what type of plate motion?

The San Andreas fault is a right-lateral (dextral) strike-slip fault which marks a transform (or sliding) boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. In essence the plate boundary is destructive rather than constructive but at present the energy is directed at moving the Pacific Plate in a generally northerly direction, parallel with the coastline.

What kind of fault is probably most common in the northern San Andreas fault system and why?

The san Andreas fault is a transform boundary between two plates. The resultant fault of a transform boundary is a strike-slip fault. The North American plate and the Pacific plate are both moving vertically in different directions.

What kind of fault is the most common in the northern san Andreas fault system?

The san Andreas fault is a transform boundary between two plates. The resultant fault of a transform boundary is a strike-slip fault. The North American plate and the Pacific plate are both moving vertically in different directions.

Can a fault also be a plate boundary?

Yes, for example the San Andreas Fault is a plate boundary.

What kind of fault is probably most common in !northern San Andreas fault system?

The san Andreas fault is a transform boundary between two plates. The resultant fault of a transform boundary is a strike-slip fault. The North American plate and the Pacific plate are both moving vertically in different directions.

What are the all the boundary?

Convergent plate boundary, divergent plate boundary and strike-slip (transform) plate boundary.

Is a reverse fault often located along a divergent plate boundary or convergent?

A reverse fault is usually associated with convergent plate boundaries, where two plates are colliding and one is forced upward over the other. It is less common along divergent boundaries, where plates are moving away from each other.

What plate boundary that occurs when two plates slide past one another?

This is known as a transform boundary or a strike-slip fault; the U.S. famous one being the San Andreas Fault.