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I have a earth book, introduction to geology and there is a breakdown of all the continents and the corresponding plates. I believe it is the pacific plate according to my book.

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Q: What type of plate boundary is found below the Hawaiian Island chain?
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Is all oceanic crust below sea level?

No. The Hawaiian Island Chain, for instance, sits on top of oceanic crust.

What is the largest island in the Hawaiian chain?

The Island of Hawaii or the Big Island as it is known.

What is the formation of a Hawaiian island?

The Hawaiian Islands are formed from a chain of volcanoes, some still active.

What is the cause for the growth of the hawaiian island chain?

volcanic activity

Is Hawaii an island chain?

Yes, Hawaii is an island. It is the largest of the 8 main Hawaiian islands, also known as the Big Island.

What island chain is famous for shield volcanoes?

The Hawaiian Islands, or Hawaii



What is the difference between an island arc and an island chain?

An island chain is a chain of islands that form in the middle of a plate. Example: Hawaii An island arc is a string of islands that form on a plate boundary. Example: Japan

What plate boundary is Haleakala on?

Kilauea is located in the centre of a crustal plate (the pacific plate) away from any plate boundaries. The Hawaiian island chain exists due to the presence of a hotspot (potentially caused by a mantle plume) under the centre of this plate causing volcanism.

What sentence you can use about landforms with the word archipelago?

The Hawaiian Island chain is an archipelago.

Is Yellowstone located at a divergent plate boundary?

Yellowstone is situated within a tectonic plate, not at a plate boundary! Volcanic activity is thought to be as a result of a mantle plume, much like the volcanism that created the Hawaiian Island chain.

Was Hawaii Considered a Continent During 1778?

No, Hawaii is an island, Hawaii is now a state, the Hawaiian Islands are an island chain (archipelago) that are actually the Southeastern (or Windward) islands of a larger chain - the Hawaiian Emperor Seamount Chain. Either way, not a continent, never was, not even considered.