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It's called "contour plowing", plowing in arcs and curves, avoiding endless long, straight lines of plowed field, in an attempt to cut down on the amount of dry topsoil the wind blows away. It is moderately effective, but when combined with the "no til" approach to farming, it goes a long way toward preserving topsoil.

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Q: What type of plowing helps to retain soil?
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It grows best in alluvial clay soil , which can retain water and moisture. Rice is cultivated in specially irrigated or flooded paddy fields.

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The least disruptive method is disking, which involves rolling a set of narrow round blades (called disks) down the field. This opens a narrow furrow where seeds can be placed without disturbing the root network that is holding the topsoil on the field.

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Of course it does! Humus is made of dead stuff and orginc matter and this helps the soil add more nutrients.

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What are some uses of peat moss?

Peat is a type of organic mulch that is commonly used for the triune purpose of fertilizing, retaining moisture, and prohibiting weed growth in a flower bed or garden. It can be laid down on top of the bed or mixed into the soil. It can also be used in potted plants. Peat is also used for a fuel in many parts of the world, and is the precursor to bituminous and brown coal.