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Q: What type of political system has collective government ownership of the economic system?
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What economic system is based on collective ownership?


Economic system based on collective ownership?

Libertarian Socialism is the economic system based on equal collective ownership of property. It includes Social anarchism and libertarian Marxism.

The economic system that calls for a maximum of collective ownership is?


Are political and economic collective nouns?

No, the words 'political' and 'economic' are adjectives, words that describe nouns.Example: He gave a political speech on the economic status of the country.A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way.Example: An audience of people attended the speech. (the collective noun is 'audience' a noun that groups the people)

A key principle of the economic theory of communism is?

government ownership of property

Which economic system is characterized by much government involvement lack of private ownership and elimination of economic classes?


What economic system has government ownership of the means of production and distribution?


Which the following describes a major legacy of the Progressive era?

That the government can act to fix the economic and political problems.that the government can act to fix economic and political problems - novanet

What kind of government makes political economic and social decisions?

Democratic Government.

A economic system is characterized by much government involvement lack of private ownership and elimination of economic classes.?

The answer is Mixed

How might widespread public ownership of businesses and extensive government regulations have impacted?

Widespread regulation and government ownership always hinder economic growth and efficiency, whether in India or elsewhere.

Which economic system calls for a maximum of collective ownership?

Classical capitalism