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Q: What type of projection is made by projecting a globe onto a cylinder?
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A map projection made by projecting points and lines from a globe on to a cone?

Topographic map

Maps can be made by projecting Earth's spherical grid onto a?

That would depend on the type of map. A Mercator projection projects the Earth onto a cylinder, causing distortions at the poles. A "conic" projection projects the Earth onto a cone. And there are special purpose maps that project the Earth onto a plane.

How are conic projections made?

conic projections are made by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a cone

What is the term for a map that is made by wrapping pieced of paper around the globe?

Mercator Projection

What is the name of a map of the globe which is made by so that the scale is the same in any direction at any point?

A map projection drawn in such a way that an area on the map is proportional to the area on the globe is called an equal-area projection map.

How is a cylindrical projection made?

i think its near the equator probably. +++ NO: towards the Poles. Think about it - the cylinder is normally vertical and tangential to the globe around the Equator so the most accurate projection will be around the equator.

What are facts about conic projection maps?

1)They are made by wrapping a cone of paper around a globe .2)A map containing several conic projections are called a Polyconic.3)When you wrap the paper around the globe to make conic projection it has to be at a certain line of lattitude .

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What is the term for a map that is made by wrapping a piece of paper around a globe?

CylindricalWrap a piece of paper around the earth toform a cylinder that touches the equater allthe way around the earth. Shine a light fromthe center of the earth, trace the image that isprojected onto the paper, and then take thepaper off for a cylindrical projection.............. i don't know if that's what your looking for?good luck!....sorry

When was the mercator map projection made?


Who made the Robinson projection?

Robinson created it.

When was the first globe made?

the person who made the first globe was Randalli Smith, he made it at age 42