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A fibrous root system, such as on a perennial grass, is best because there are more roots present to grab and hold the soil.

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Q: What type of root system is best for preventing erosion?
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Which root system is best in preventing soil erosion tap roots or fibrous root why?

tap root cause it grows deeper and holds more soil

The best plants for wind erosion have what type of root system?

fibrous root systems

Which root systems would be best to use for controlling soil erosion?

Grass is a good system for reducing soil erosion.

Which root system do you use to prevent erosion?


How does lack of roots contribute to erosion?

A lack of roots in the soil contributes to erosion in a big way. When a root system of a tree or plant is removed sediment from the ground gets eroded more of which it would be eroded if the root system was still there. This is because lack of roots.

What root type is best for anchorage?

taproot system provided efficient in anchorage ;such that they are more resistant to toppling during storm.

Does the fibrous root prevent erosion?

The fibrous root does prevent erosion. The roots are threadlike and will cling to the soil. An example of a plant that has fibrous roots is grass.

Does grass protect soil from erosion?

Yes, the root system grows down into the soil forming a fibrous network that holds the soil in place.

What root helps stabilize soil from erosion?

Any plant will prevent soil erosion. It's in their nature. Plants known as "pioneer species" are perhaps best suited for erosion control as these plants have evolved to thrive in areas that have been disturbed by landslides or construction.

Which root system is the best adapted for anchorage?

Taproot was adapted for Anchorage. It is a beautiful root without any trunks.

What are fiber root plants?

a root, as in most grasses, having numerous, very fine branches of approximately the same length.a root system that consists of very fine branches.n. A root system made up of many threadlike members of more or less equal length, as in most grasses.Any of the roots in a system that is made up of many threadlike members of more or less equal length and is characteristic of monocotelydons. Fibrous roots develop from adventitious roots arising from the plant's stem and usually do not penetrate the soil very deeply. Because their roots attach themselves firmly to soil particles, plants with fibrous root systems are especially useful in preventing soil erosion.

What root system between the fibrous and taproot would make the best ground cover?

a tap root is the main root ,a lateral root extends horizontally and they say it develops into a fibrous root.