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a geogry

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Q: What type of saltwater fish are in canal?
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Can saltwater kill fish?

it depends if there fresh water then sometimes it depends what type of fish

Why saltwater fish can live in saltwater?

because saltwater fish must be live in saltwater

Is the guppy fish a saltwater or a freshwater fish?


What type of fish are there in the canal?

depends what canal your talking about. there can be trout, and little fishies too

Are parrot fish freshwater fish or saltwater fish?

Yes, they need Salt and Pepper, but a good cajun spice mix is best.

What type of biome does a fish live in?

A liquid environment [ saltwater or freshwater ].

Are spotted eagle rays freshwater fish or saltwater fish?

They are Saltwater fish.

Are saltwater fish hyperosmotic or hypoosmotic?

Saltwater fish are hypoosmotic.

Where saltwater fish live?

Saltwater fish live in the saltwater seas and oceans around the world.

How much freshwater can a saltwater fish take?

A saltwater fish tank can be half freshwater and all of the saltwater fish will live but not for very long.

Why are some fish saltwater fish and others freshwater fish?

Because saltwater fish can only breathe in saltwater (as in the ocean) and freshwater fish can only breathe in freshwater (as in tap water.)

Is it safe to add live salt water sand to a establish salt water aquarium?

Well, there are 2 types of fish, saltwater fish, and freshwater fish. Only put in saltwater if you own a saltwater fish. Note: Saltwater fish could live safely in freshwater, but freshwater fish will suffocate in saltwater.