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Simple random sampling gives you are fair representation of the population. Every member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen.

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1mo ago

Stratified sampling is a type of sampling that uses a fair representation of the population by dividing the population into different subgroups or strata and then selecting samples from each stratum in proportion to their size in the population. This method helps ensure that all groups in the population are adequately represented in the final sample.

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Q: What type of sampling uses a fair representation of the population?
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What type of research technique does a sociologist ensure that data are statistically representative of the population being studied?

A sociologist can ensure that their data are statistically representative of the population being studied by using random sampling techniques. This involves selecting a sample of participants from the population in a way that gives each member an equal chance of being chosen. By using random sampling, sociologists can generalize their findings to the larger population with more confidence.

What map shows how many people live per square mile in a area?

A population density map shows how many people live per square mile in a specific area. It uses color-coding or shading to indicate areas with high or low population densities relative to each other. This type of map provides a visual representation of population distribution within a region.

What percentage of the world has T1D?

Approximately 0.2% of the world's population has type 1 diabetes.

What percentage of people are O positive?

Approximately 37% of the global population has O positive blood type, making it the most common blood type worldwide.

What is a population pyramid?

A population pyramid is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups and genders within a population. It typically consists of two bar graphs, one representing males and the other representing females, with age groups on the vertical axis and population numbers on the horizontal axis. This type of chart helps in analyzing population trends, such as population growth, aging, and gender distribution.

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When every member of a population has the chance of being selected based on the probability or frequency of its representation in that population you are using which type of sampling?

Systematic sampling

What Type of sampling is used for estimating population?


When every Member of a population has the chance of being selected based on probability what type of sampling is this?

Simple random sampling.

A population is divided into non-overlapping similar groups from which to be sampled what type of sampling method is this?

Stratified Random Sampling. Google it. .

Which method is good for heterogeneous population of sampling?

Type your answer here... convenient samplign

What is the difference between sampling and random sampling?

Sampling involves selecting a subset of individuals or items from a larger population for study. Random sampling is a specific type of sampling method where each individual or item in the population has an equal chance of being selected. In random sampling, the selection of individuals is done purely by chance, reducing bias in the sample.

If you perform research on a particular issue but want to make sure you represnt all demographic and social aspects of the population which type of sampling is most appropriate and why?

probability sampling

What difference between Statistical Sampling and non-statistical sampling?

Statistical sampling is an objective approach using probability to make an inference about the population. The method will determine the sample size and the selection criteria of the sample. The reliability or confidence level of this type of sampling relates to the number of times per 100 the sample will represent the larger population. Non-statistical sampling relies on judgment to determine the sampling method,the sample size,and the selection items in the sample.

What type of sampling (sample strategy) is it when I am sampling employees from different organizations?

Convenience sampling or quota sampling

What type of research technique does a sociologist ensure that data are statistically representative of the population being studied?

A sociologist can ensure that their data are statistically representative of the population being studied by using random sampling techniques. This involves selecting a sample of participants from the population in a way that gives each member an equal chance of being chosen. By using random sampling, sociologists can generalize their findings to the larger population with more confidence.

What type of sampling produces representative samples?

random sampling

What are the examples of sampling?

1. Simple Random Sampling (SRS) - For SRS, every element has an equal probability of being chosen. In fact, any pair, triplet, and so on of elements have an equal chance of random selection. Sometimes, SRS can have problems because the randomness of the sample does not represent the population. For example, a SRS of one hundred people will likely produce about fifty men and fifty women, but it's also possible that there will only be ten men and ninety women selected due to natural sampling variation. 2. Systematic Sampling - For this type of sampling, every nth element is sampled. For example, if names were to be sampled through systematic sampling, every tenth name would be picked from the telephone book. However, this type of sampling may result in an unrepresentative sample of the population. 3. Stratified Sampling - When a population has certain categories, samples can be purposely collected from each strata (category). For example, there may be different strata for age groups if the person sampling is interested in variations between differences in age. One problem with stratified sampling is that it requires a more expensive cost than simple random sampling or systematic sampling. 4. Convenience Sampling - This type of sampling involves drawing the easiest samples to reach from the population. This may include surveying customers outside of a grocery store. Because the sample is limited to a certain time/day, it is unrepresentative of the entire population.