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Q: What type of signal is brief and can work at night or among obstructions a. tactile b. electrical c. olfactory d. visual e. auditory?
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What sense organs does the pigeon have?

Tactile Organs Gustatory Organs Olfactory Organs Auditory Organs or Ears Visual Organs

How do you spell all the senses?

sight, seeing - visual sound, hearing - auditory smells - olfactory tastes - gustatory touch, feeling - tactile

What is appeal to senses?

This occurs when an author refers to one of our five senses Sight - visual Smell - olfactory Hearing - auditory Taste - gustatory Touch - tactile

What is facial agnosia?

inability to recognize the import of sensory impressions; the varieties correspond with several senses and are distinguished as auditory (acoustic), gustatory, olfactory, tactile, and visual.

What are the types of sensory receptors?

Eyes, Ears, Noses, Tongues and Skin - for visual, auditory, olfactory, taste and tactile senses.

What is sensual imagery?

Its's any words or phrases in a piece of literature that appeal to the five senses ie. visual, auditory (hearing), gustatory (taste), tactile (touch), or olfactory (smell).

What is the function of sensory?

Is to help us to stay in contact with the outside environment and also to protect us from harmfully situations, examples: sense of sight, olfactory sense, sense of taste, tactile sense and auditory sense.

Which condition includes a sense perception that has no basis in external stimulation?

This is called a hallucination, of which there may be multiple types. Some examples of what they could be include visual, olfactory, auditory, command, and tactile hallucinations.

Identify three different types of stimuli?

Visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory, taste These are the most broad. They can be much more specific such as, just for Auditory: Verbal, Somatic, musical... It could also be very abstract. A stimuli can pretty much anything that solicits a response. Cause and effect.

What are the types of imagery?

The types of imagery are visual imagery (related to sight), auditory imagery (related to sound), olfactory imagery (related to smell), gustatory imagery (related to taste), tactile imagery (related to touch), and kinesthetic imagery (related to movement).

Cells that detect conditions in the body environment are?

They are called "sense cells" and communicate information mainly to the brain, but sometimes to the autonomic nervous system. They include cells for seeing (optic), hearing (auditory), taste (gustatory), small (olfactory), and touch (tactile) - tactile cells detect heat, pressure, and injury (pain).

What is the Scientific term for touch?

The scientific names for the 5 senses are: 1. Sight- Vision (Visual) 2. Hearing- Audition (Auditory) 3. Taste- Gustation (Gustatory) 4. Smell- Olfaction (Olfactory) 5. Touch- Tactition (Tactile)