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a type of rattle snake.....

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Q: What type of snake look like a small python but has a rattler?
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How does the python get around?

It slithers like a snake, because it IS a snake.

What is Python leather?

its is a material made from the snake skin. It feels like leather !! :)

Can someone tell you about the Ceylon or Ceylonese Python and its habitat and where it lives and its food?

The Ceylonese Python, also known as the Sri Lanka python, is a part of the Molarus subspecies, closely related to the Burmese python. This snake originates from the island of Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon. This snake, like other large pythons can be started on small mammals/birds and once it gets to a larger size, it can be fed rabbits, chickens and pigs.

Do python grow to there habtat?

Pythons - just like other animals - grow to their genetically programmed size. A small Python such as a Royal Python may not reach five feet (1.8m) in length - whereas a Reticulated Python may top 33 feet (10m) or more ! Keeping a large snake confined to an enclosure that it soo small will cause the reptile distress, leading to health problems.

Why is a Carpet Python called a Carpet Python?

Carpet snakes skin is so colorful, just like a carpet.You cannot differentiate when the snake is on a carpet.

Is a African Rock Python constrictor or not?

The African Rock PYTHON is a constrictor, even though it may bite. The word Python meens a large constricting snake. Though not all pythons are large, like the Ball Python

Can snakes be deadly?

if venomous or one of the few non venomous snake like: python an anacondas

What does a python look like?

What types of non poisonous snakes are found in Ghana?

The Ball Python or Royal Python as it is also called is a native snake of Ghana. It is a constrictor which means it kills its prey (small rodents mostly) by coiling around them and suffocating them. They are non poisonous and do not have fangs like poisonous snakes do. They will not harm you.

What do Ball python pray on?

Royal Pythons (Python regius) - feed on small rodents... such as mice, gerbils and small rats.

What does a Amethyst Python eat?

Small mammals like rats and mice.

What does a python like eating?

small birds, small mammals. anything that can fit on their huge mouth.