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We grow ours directly into "worked soil" (a compost that has been tilled into the earth.) Potting soil could be used in place of compost.

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Q: What type of soil do cabbages grow in?
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What type of soil does cabbage grow best in?

All cabbages grow best in well fertillized,well cultivated,alkaline,acidic firm soil. It grows better in a cold environment and does not like the sun.

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How do you grow cabbages?

1: Select a variety known for producing large heads. 2: plant in organically rich, loose soil. 3: Make sure the soil's pH is about 7.5 - cabbage needs alkaline soil. 4: Use a balanced vegetable fertilizer according to directions but DON'T OVERFERTILIZE! 5: Keep well weeded, and grow it alone - not amongst other cabbages. 6: As it gets bigger, check it daily - when cabbages get large, they sometimes split and rot quickly.

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Cabbages because they do not grow underground.

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Why is the type of soil in a location important?

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