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Q: What type of soil is rich in humus and numerous?
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What is the soil type needed for the rose to grow?

Growing rose requires a soil rich in organic matter. A humus-rich soil would be ideal for this purpose.

Is humus a type of soil?

Of course it does! Humus is made of dead stuff and orginc matter and this helps the soil add more nutrients.

Is sandy soil better than humus for plants?

in GENERAL a humus rich soil is better for plant growth, but it is dependant on the type of plant - e.g. plants that grow at the coast are at home in very sandy soils.

What type of soil does the temperate rain forest have?

humus soil

Where is humus is located?

Humus is located in the top layer of soil. It is a type of organic soil matter and aids in nutrition retention in the soil.

What type of soil is best for cucumbers?

humus amd poting soil

What are the different kinds of soil?

Some different types of soil are sand, clay, and loam. Humus is another type of soil that is rich in organic matter.

What type of soil is a mixture of decaying matter?


Does humus help determine what type of soil forms?

No it Doesn't

What type of soil do you use to make plants grow and healthy?


What type of soil has a thin layer of topsoil and a small amount of humus?


What is the soil like in The Deciduous Forests?

The soil is brown, green, dark and rich because of decomposed organism life. Your welcome.