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an indonesian ondrius (very rare)

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Q: What type of spider has a bright red back with a black under body and black legs?
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What type of spider has a bright red back and head with a black under body and black legs?

It can be hard to tell what kind of a spider you are looking at that has a red head and back and black and white striped legs, since the body type is also an important factor. Chances are that it is a red-headed jumping spider, which can cause a somewhat painful bite but is not otherwise dangerous to humans.

What kind of spider is orange with a yellow back and black and white stiped legs Glen Allen VA?


What kind of spider is bright red with a black butt?

# i don,t know i just fond a red spider with a black butt and black tips on feet and black fangs let me know if you find out

What spider is black and has two dimples on its back and two pale eye shapes on its belly?

black spider with 2 yellow dots on its under side

What kind of black spider has a white crescent on its back?

The spider that is black with a white crescent on its back is the Brown House Spider. This spider is often confused with the red-back spider.

What spider is shiny black with red spots?

It could be a black widow spider if it is small and thin-legged with a shiny round black abdomen and red markings under it. If it's fuzzy with a red spot on it's back, and the front part of the body is more-or-less the same size as back part, then it's a black jumping spider.

What spider in dumastexas has an orange back with black diamonds on it's back?

The spider you are referring to is likely the marbled orb-weaver spider (Araneus marmoreus). This spider is known for its bright orange coloration with black spots or diamonds on its back. It is a common sight in many regions, including Texas.

What kind of spider has bright red round back and abdomen size of pea and black legs?

It isn't a spider at all. It is an insect masquerading as a spider. I live in Tennessee and on June 19 encountered one on my porch. I killed it and the "body" fell off. On further inspection I found it only had 6 legs.

What kind of Black spider with triangle on back?

Could be the arrowhead spider.

What is on the back of a black widow spider?

The American Black Widow should have nothing upon its back but the black color it is. Specfically, the hour glass is on the belly of the spider.

What is the name of a black shiny spider with large bright red area on its belly or back in southwestern Virginia?

If the red spot is in an hour glass shape, it's probably a black widow, Latrodectus mactrans.

Black spider with hour glass on back?

black widow