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Have a look here, usually its the red ones that are harmful because you can see the damage

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Q: What type of spiders eat plants--I have a small brown fast spider on my Bonsai tree. I need to know if it's okay to leave him there?
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Are there poisonous spiders in Greece?

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What are the names of the species of spiders?

Tarantula , Black widow , brown recluse , jumping spider(s) ,

What types of brown spiders live in Cincinnati Ohio?

brown recluse and brown window tarantula banana spider or Brazilian wandering spider

What are black and a pinch of brown spiders called?

it is just a spider

Are wood spiders and brown recluse spiders the same?

No they are not. Brown recluse are some of the most poisonous spiders in the USA. Wood spiders, though can be considered close in appearance, are actually harmless (fright and allergic reactions aside).

5 different types of spiders which is outdoor and indoor?

Five different types of spiders which are both indoor and outdoor include wolf spiders, sac spiders, fishing spiders, sowbug spiders, jumping spiders, and jumping spiders. These are commonly found both in and around the home.

What two spiders native to NM are poisonous?

The two types of poisonous spiders in New Mexico of the Black Widow and the Brown Spider. The blanca, desert, and Apache are all species of Brown Spider.

What are the names of all poisonous spiders?

The below list includes some of the most dangerous spiders to humans. 1) Brazilian Wandering Spider 2) Sydney Funnel Web Spider 3) Widow Spiders (including the Black and Brown Widows) 4) Sand Spiders (mainly, the Six Eyed Sand Spider) 5) Recluse Spiders (including the Brown Recluse) 6) Hobo Spiders 7) Redback Spiders 8) Mouse Spiders 9) Bird Spider (A type of Tarantula found in China)

How are spider bites diagnosed?

Because bites from widow spiders and brown spiders require different treatments, capturing and identifying the spider helps to establish diagnosis.

What kind of spider is shinny brown with 3 white spots?

They are called White-Spotted Brown spiders

What kind of spider has a brown body and red legs if it bites you what should you do?


What types of spiders live in Nebraska?

Brown recluse garden spider wolf