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Grade I or 1st degree sprains take the least time to heal because they caused the least damaged to the ligament or tendon.

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The third degree sprain.

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Q: What type of sprain takes the most time to heal?
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Can you still tumble with a mild ankle sprain?

You can, but if you want your ankle to heal quickly then you really should rest it. A sprain is painful, and tumbling will hurt. Plus depending on the intensity of your tumbling, some tumbling (like back-handsprings or tucks) require the tumbler to have strong ankles. When your ankle is sprained, it is not at its full strength. So you need to be careful, because tumbling with your sprained ankle could lead to more injuries. I really suggest that you rest your ankle, put as little weight on it as possible, use ice and heat when needed, wrap it, and give it time. When the pain and swelling goes down a little, start tumbling little by little. You'll be back to tumbling in no time, though, so don't worry. A sprain takes much less time to heal than a fracture does.

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The time it takes a cut to heal depends on the severity or it and how deep it is. A simple paper cut will usually heal in a few days. A deeper gash that requires stitches can take up to a month to fully heal.

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It takes 2-4 weeks to recover fully from liposuction surgery. You need time for the tissue to heal and to ensure that there were no complications with the surgery.

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It takes on average 3 - 5 weeks for this piercing to heal. It is fairly quick most importantly because every time that you urinate, you are bathing the site in sterile and warm liquid so it has a chance to heal much faster than it conventionally would in another location.

Can you really sprain your ankle by just tripping?

Haha yeah...happens to me all the time but it's just a mild sprain.

How to heal little cuts all over you tongue?

Just give them time and they will eventually heal. give it a week at most

How do you get over someone when you know your supposed to be with them but you know the timing is off?

The most effective way that I've experimented with (including middle and high schoolers datings and dramas), is to give time. Time is like a bandage towards getting over somebody like a wound. It takes time to heal a wound, It takes time to get over someone.