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Q: What type of star does a main sequence star become when it loses its energy?
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Which process produces the energy radiated by the star when it become a main sequence star?

nucleur fusion

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What is the main source of energy of a star as it grows in size to becomes a red giant?

A main sequence star burns hydrogen to helium. Once a main sequence star exhausts all of the hydrogen, it begins to expand and burn helium causing if to become a red giant.

How does the protostar stage of a star's life cycle compare with the main-sequence stage?

A protostar generates energy by friction whereas a main sequence star generates energy by fusion.

How does the protostar stage of a stars life cycle compare with the main sequence stage?

A protostar generates energy by friction whereas a main sequence star generates energy by fusion.

A main sequence star generates energy by fusing what?


When the Sun moves off the main sequence it will next become a?

It will become a red giant.

What types of stars are in the main sequence?

The thing the "main sequence" stars have in common is that they get their energy from the fusion of hydrogen (hydrogen-1 is converted into helium-4).

How does a main sequence star power itself?

A main sequence star gets its energy by fusing hydrogen-1 into helium-4.

What energy process do all main sequence stars share?


What is the energy source for all main sequence?

Nuclear fusion starting with hydrogen.

When a star is fully formed which type of star does it become?

A Main Sequence star.