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Q: What type of stimuli trigger receptors that enable you to taste food?
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What do sensory receptors enable you to do?

Sensory receptors enable you to respond to stimuli in the environment of an organism. Some sensory receptors respond to taste and smell while others respond to physical stimuli.

What is the function of receptors in human body?

The function of receptors is to check about the taste,smell,etc. In our human body there are two types of receptors and they are gustatory receptors and olfactory receptors where as gustatory receptors will detect taste and olfactory receptors will detect smell.

Why are taste and smell receptors classified as Chemoreceptors because they both respond to?

Chemoreceptors (chemical receptors) respond to chemicals in food and scents.

How is taste and smell closely linked?

Taste and smell are two of our senses that are very much integrated with each other. As a matter of fact, these two senses share afferent pathways to the brain and therefore are influenced by the same stimuli. Both taste buds and olfactory bulbs are in a group of receptors known as chemoreceptors (they respond to chemical stimuli). In the case of smell, it's the aromatic gases released by substances that trigger a response. In the case of taste, it is the mixing of flavor chemicals with saliva in the mouth that triggers a response.

Name 6 different external stimuli that can be received by sense receptors?

Heat, Cold, Pain, Pressure, Light, Taste (chemicals), Smell.

What are the different senses of our body?

Sensory receptors are defined as dendrites of sensory neurons specialized for receiving specific kinds of stimuli without which we would not live long. The four general sense receptors are pain receptors, temperature receptors, touch receptors, and taste and smell receptors.

Taste and smell receptors are classified as chemoreceptors because they both respond to?

Chemoreceptors are classified as sensory cells or organs that respond to chemical stimuli. The nose and tongue are both equipped with chemoreceptors.

Actual receptors for taste are called?

taste buds

What are the major sensory receptors for taste?

Taste Buds ;)

What kind of receptors are located in your taste buds?

Taste receptors type 1 (sweet), and type 2 (bitter).

What are the gustatory receptors sensitive to?

Gustatory receptors are found on the tongue and pharynx and are taste receptors. They sense particles of foodstuffs dissolved in saliva and provide us with the sense of taste.

What is the relationship between olfactory and gustatory receptors?

Gustatory receptors are part of the sense of taste. They are in your mouth. Olfactory receptors are part of the sense of smell. They are in your nose.