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Q: What type of stress causes uplift?
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Related questions

A divergent boundary causes what type of stress?

It causes tensional stress.

What stress causes rocks to pull apart?

The type of stress that causes rocks to pull apart is a tension stress. It is the major type of stress found in divergent plate boundaries.

What causes rocks to pull apart?

The type of stress that causes rocks to pull apart is a tension stress. It is the major type of stress found in divergent plate boundaries.

In the context of stress the flip side of an uplift is?

a hassle

Type of stress that causes folding mountains?

Folding is caused by compressional stress.

Which type of stress produces most crustal deformation?

tension is the type of stress that causes the crust to become thinner.

What type of stress causes an earthquake?

shifting of the earth's crust causes earthquakes

A convergent boundary causes what stress type?

a convergent boundary causes compression

What are the causes of uplift in the atmosphere?

Convection (rising air), orographic uplift/forced convection (air up a mountain), frontal uplift (front), and convergence uplift (air masses converge)

What type of force causes folded mountains?

Compressional Stress

What causes rock layers to uplift?

Rock layers can be uplifted by tectonic forces, such as the movement of tectonic plates converging, diverging, or sliding past each other. This can create pressure, folding, and faulting in the crust, causing rocks to uplift. Erosion can also remove overlying material, exposing deeper rock layers and causing uplift.

What type of stress causes the earths crust to become thinner?
