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Q: What type of string is the best to use in a pulley system?
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What type of simple machine is shirts hanging from a wire?

it is a pulley because it has a rope to adjust the string and it has tiny wheels on its sides.

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How does the different type of pulley system affect the mechanical advantage?

Depending on the type of pulley system you have (Fixed/ movable/ combined pulley) using either of these will give you mechanical advantage. The different pulley types are designed to even the weight of the object your pulled out, this will enable you to lift heavier objects with a lighter pull

What is the best type of yoyo string?

Type 8 cotton string works good, and it can be colored to if you want.

What is the best type of acustic guitar?

steel string

How many type in pulley machine?

Pulley machine type of many! Machine have many pulley, many pulley machine! Type machine, many pulley type. Pulleys, type pulley machine many type. Machine.

What is a jockey pulley?

It is a type of pulley system that helps riders onto the tops of their horses before a race. Just a good guess.

What type of guitar is best?

steel string by miles >:D

Is a block and tackle a wheel and axle?

No, a block and tackle is not considered a wheel and axle system. It is considered a type of pulley system.

What type of pulley would increase the output force?

A pulley system that has multiple pulleys in line with each one having its output drive the next will increase the force. This would be called a tackle pulley.

What is moat or pulley system of irrigation?

moat irrigation system is a manual type of irrigation in which the water is drawn from a well and the plants r irrigated

What is moat system?

The moat system was a type of irrigation system. This manual system worked on a pulley using water from sources like wells to irrigate crops and other plants.