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There are two types based on glandular secretion.

1. Merocrine is also called eccrine glands. They are coiled in deep dermis and respond to elevated

temperature / exercise.

They produce no odor and function throughout life and are not associated with hair follicles. Their

secretion is water plus salts and wastes (urea and uric acid).

2. The apocrine glands ducts terminate into hair follicles. They respond to stress / emotions. They produce

an odor.

They don't begin to function until puberty and continue through life.

They are found in the armpits and groin. They produce sweat plus oil and cellular debris.

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10y ago

You have special types of sweat glands are there called as apocrine glands. Their smell attracts the opposite sex. So they have sex related function.

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Q: What sweat glands are found in the groin armpit and anal region?
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What glands are most concentrated in the axillary and groin areas of the body?

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Only Apocrine sweat glands are found in the axilla and anal region. The glands connect to hair follicles and are the sweat that produces odour) Eccrine sweat glands are found all over the body and open onto the skin. Sebaceous sweat glands are found all over the skin (with the exception of our palms and soles) and are connected to hair follicles.

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Nodularity can be found in the armpit, the groin, or the neck if regional nodes are involved.

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Abscesses are often found in the soft tissue under the skin, such as the armpit or the groin. However, they may develop in any organ, and are commonly found in the breast and gums.

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The lymphatic system is the body's defense against poisons/toxins and infections. Lymph glands are located in the neck, armpit and groin. These glands trap and break down infections. Which is why the tonsils for example, the most obvious lymph glands, become large and painful when they are fighting off an infection.

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The groin, the genitals, or the pubic region.

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lymph glands

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