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Earl Grey

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Q: What type of tea named after prime minister?
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What role did Lord North play in the Revolution?

lord north was the prime minister of great Britain and led them into war with the American colonies

Why is lord north so important?

Lord North was the British Prime Minister who led parliament during the American Revolutionary war. He led Parliament in enacting the hated Stamp Tax, and later, the famous tax on tea.

What type of british goods did women boycott?

The british goods that women boycotted were clothing,tea,and accesories.

What did the Tea Act do to or for the colonists?

While the Tea Act passed by Parliament in May, 1773 was one of the major events leading to war with Great Britain, it was not designed to tax the colonies but to bail out the East India Tea Company, a private commercial trading company that was involved in trade with Asia. The company carried out many governmental and military functions in Asia for the Crown. As a reward, it was granted a monopoly of the trade in India. In 1773 the company was on the verge of bankruptcy as a result of mismanagement. It also had 17 million pounds of tea in London warehouses with no prospect of selling the tea. The British government agreed to allow the company exclusive right to sell the tea in the American colonies. The tea would be cheaper than the Dutch tea the Americans had been smuggling in since the Townshend Acts. Prime Minister North did away with all taxes on the tea except the Townshend levy, which was very small. Sam Adams and the Americans who wanted to uphold the principle, "no taxation without representation," knew that the tea would be purchased by colonial consumers if it were permitted to enter the harbors, be unloaded, and distributed to the stores. If colonists bought the tea, the argument about taxation and representation might begin to weaken. The result was the famous Boston Tea Party. or this answer To bail out the East India Company

Which group of people had more reason to resist the tea act of 1773 colonial tea merchants or colonial tea drinkers?

tea merchants

Related questions

What type of tea is named after a british prime minister?

Earl Grey

Which prime minister is associated with a hot drink?

Earl Grey is a type of black tea, flavoured with bergamot oil. It is named after Charles Grey, second Earl Grey who was Prime Minister of The United Kingdom from 1830 to 1834. The reasons for naming the tea after him are not clear, different versions of the story being promoted by different tea manufacturers, but it is thought that he was given bergamot flavoured tea in his capacity as a diplomat; by whom and when the gift was made is disputed.

Who were Prime Minister Earl Grey's tea merchants?

Twinings In The Strand

A brand of tea named after the british prime minister 1830-1834?

Earl Grey- it was introduced to Britain from the Far East during his leadership, and he liked it so much it became his favourite drink.

Who was the prime minister who gave east India co a monopoly on American tea sales?

Lord North

Who was the Prime Minister of Ireland of Spanish origin?

Ireland does not have a Prime Minister. The head of an Irish government is known as a Taoiseach, pronounced Tea-shock. Eamon DeValera was Taoiseach and his father was from Cuba and had Spanish origins.

What did the Vietnam war start off as?

A jolly old tea party between chums in the backyard of the Swiss Prime Minister.

Which 19th century British prime minister gives his name to a popular tea flavored with oil of bergemot?

Earl Grey

Why earl grey tea is called earl grey?

Earl Grey tea is named after Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, who was the prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1830 to 1834. The story is that 2nd Earl Grey received a diplomatic gift of tea that was flavoured with bergamot oil which became known as the Earl Grey blend.

Why did the Boston tea party angered the British prime minister?

The pariament punished Boston by passing the intolerable acts. They wanted colonists to pay for the lost tea. Sources: history book

British prime minister who imposed stamp act?

Prime Minister George Grenville imposed the stamp tax to raise revenues for a new military force

What role did Lord North play in the Revolution?

lord north was the prime minister of great Britain and led them into war with the American colonies