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tea merchants

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Q: Which group of people had more reason to resist the tea act of 1773 colonial tea merchants or colonial tea drinkers?
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Which group of people had more reason to resist the rea act of 1773 colonial tea merchants or colonial tea drinkers?

Colonial tea merchants had more reason to resist the tea act. The new law allowed the East Indian company to sell tea directly to the colonial shopkeepers at lower prices than the merchants, without being taxed, and the merchants lost a lot of money.

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Business profits

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During the colonial period Jewish artisans, merchants and peddlers filled an important role in the developing nation. They also came to escape persecution.

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Merchants participated, motivated by the possibilities of increased trade.

What was not the reason people came to Colonial America from England?

The Desire to become an American Citizen.

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For the same reason as anyone else: they like the effects.

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It was the fashion. The same reason why you wore something today because everyone else was doing it.

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A debtors Colony

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The church played a huge part in the colonial Delaware's life. The reason why people during those times learned how to read was because they were obliged to read the bible.

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Argentina's official language is Spanish due to the Spanish colonization during the 16th century. Spanish conquistadors and settlers brought the language to the region, where it gradually became the dominant language through cultural assimilation and intermixing with indigenous languages. Over time, Spanish became firmly entrenched as the national language of Argentina.