

What type of technology did the northwest coast have?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The northwest coast didn't have any technological advancement until the southeast coast was engulfed by satan himself. The NWers needed to find refuge in Alaska where the heat wouldn't kill them. There they found AN ALIEN SPACESHIP with a colony of penguins living around it. The space ship was abandoned and they took the technonogy back to the Northwestern coast area where satan had revealed himself earlier and vanquished him with the newly engineered pieces of equipment they were blessed to stumble upon. Upon defeating the devil they grasp realization of life and consciousness in it's fullest. With no remorse the northwesterners took to the stars to find their dream that was bistowed upon their minds after defeating the last piece of pure evil in the universe.

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Q: What type of technology did the northwest coast have?
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