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Q: What type of vegetables did the neolithic age grow?
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How did people in the Neolithic age adapt to cold climates?

the neolithic people had to grow crops so they had permanent homes.

What types of foods did the humans in the Neolithic age eat?

Well, since the Neolithic Revolution occured during this time, I assume that they ate things like grains, fruit, vegetables, etc.

What is another name for the new stone age is the?

The Neolithic time period or the Neolithic Age.

When did people first learn to tame animals and grow crops is it Apaleolithic age B neolithic age C bronze age D iron age?


Why did the paleolithic age end and the Neolithic age begin?

The neolithic age began when hunter-gatherers learned how to plant seeds to grow food and how to tame animals. Due to agriculture and many other discoveries, they were able to stay in one area and create civilizations. Also written communication started to be found in the Neolithic age.

What is another term for new stone age?

Another term for the New Stone Age is the Neolithic Age.

What are the two other names of the Neolithic revolution?

neolithic age, new stone age

What type of jobs did paleolithic age and neolithic age have?

examples of jobs were that they were blacksmiths,(toolmakers) basket weavers, traders,bakers,etc.

How did Neolithic age get its name?

The Neolithic age was also known as the New Stone Age. It was called Neolithic because people in that age were still using stone tools, but were using them in upgraded and different ways.

What jobs did people have during the Neolithic age?

During the Neolithic Age, people worked as farmers, herders, toolmakers, potters, weavers, traders, and builders. These occupations were essential for sustaining the growing communities and developing civilizations during this period.

What age came after the Neolithic age?

The Bronze Age

What were the periods of the stone age?

The three periods of the Stone Age were the Paleolithic Age, Mesolithic Age, and the Neolithic Age. During the Paleolithic Age hunting and gathering were the way of life. In the Mesolithic Age people began to make semi-permanent houses. In the Neolithic Age people started working together and living a community-type life.