

What type of verb is tumbled?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What type of verb is tumbled?
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Is tumbled a linking verb or action verb?

Tumbled is an action verb.

Is the verb in this sentence an action or linking verb Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

In this sentence, the verb "tumbled" is an action verb because it describes the physical action of Angela falling down the steep slope.

Is the verb in this sentence an action verb or linking verb 'Angela tumbled down a steep slope'?


Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

Intransitive Verb. and Action Verb.

Is the verb in this sentence an action verb or linking verb Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

Tumble (ed) is an action.

Is tumble a verb?

Yes, it is. As in, "He tumbled down the hill."

Is this sentence action or linking verb Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

The answer is no. Transitive means it has a direct object. Angela tumbled what? Nothing. Some may say yes buecause of slope but slope is in a prepositional phrase. (down the slope down=preposition)

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Tumbled leather is created with the use of small pebbles that gently abrade the leather, resulting in a very soft texture to the product. This unique type of pebbled leather is desirable not only for the texture, but also the look of the tumbled leather finish.

How do you spell tumbled?

Tumbled is the correct spelling.

When was The Tumbled House created?

The Tumbled House was created in 1959.

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It's a National Park Tumbled by UNESCO as Humanity heritage in 1986.

Is the verb 'type' a verb?

Yes, type is a verb; type is also a noun.