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Apple cider vinegar will neutralize chemicals and remove residues from your hair, The smell will fade shortly after rinsing, and restore your scalp Ph as well.1/3 vinegar to 2/3 water will work for most things, but 1/2 and 1/2 won;t hurt you for really bad build-up, Shampo first, rinse with plain water, then the vinegar rinse. Just watch your eyes. It will sting you there.

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Q: What type of vinegar to use to strip relaxer out of hair and how do you use it?
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What relaxer works with clean hair?

I recommend the natural hair relaxers so it won't damage your hair. It also depends on your hair type. A deep conditioner is best for coarse hair.

What is the best hair relaxer?

The best relaxers brand are up to you. There are some good relaxers but you need to get one that works well on your hair and hair type. Cocoa Keratin Kit is a good quality hair relaxer but in general no base chemical relaxers are the choice of Salons professionals because they are much more gentle on the hair and scalp.

Should you perm your hair before braiding in hair extensions?

This depends on you and your hair type. Really there isn't a reason to relax your hair before getting braids and extensions. This can damage your scalp because your hair will be very soft after you have applied a relaxer. Your hair should be handled gently after a relaxer has been applied. Your hair is very soft and will break easily if you decide to stretch it in braiding. I would just shampoo and deep condition it really well and apply a relaxer about 3 weeks to a month after that to avoid any breakage.

What is the difference between relaxers strengths?

The strengths of a relaxer refers to how strong it is and what you need to get according to the hair type. Everyone hair is different and you will need to use a relaxer according to your hair type which surrounds the overall condition of your hair which involves the porosity(ability to absorb) of your hair, the density(number of strands per inch-thickness) and the elasticity(ability to stretch). Most come in mild( to be use on fine hair) ,regular( to be used on medium textured hair) or super( used on very coarse hair).

What work better to get green out of your hair lemons or vinegar?

Most likely vinegar. That is because of the smoothing special type of serum in it, it will freshen your hair up as well as you wash it.

How can you change hair type from short wavy hair to straight hair?

Have you tried using a straightner? I think you can also get it chemically straightened, sort of like a perm, but instead of making it curly, they make it straight. If you don't mind chemicals you can straighten your hair with a hair relaxer. You can use or have someone who is experienced (hair dreeser) use a straightening comb or a flat iron works great too. It would depend on how long you'd like for your hair to remain straight. A relaxer lasts for about three months w/o touch ups (relaxer only to the new growth o your hair) Patti

What brands of hair relaxers are there?

A hair relaxer is a type of lotion or cream to make hair less tangled and easier to straighten. Several health and beauty brands offer this product including Pureology, John Frieda, and Bed Head.

What is relaxing hair?

A hair relaxer or straightener is a two-step chemical treatment that opens the hair's cuticle and after being combed straight, is neutralized with the second step that closes the hair's cuticle. It is very similar to a perm and uses strong chemicals, so make sure you have someone that is not only familiar with relaxers, but is familiar with doing them on your ethnicity, since the hair type matters a lot.

Is it safe to take a muscle relaxer while having laser hair removal?

I've taken muscle relaxers when having laser tattoo removal and it was completely safe. Assuming you are not on any other type of medication, taking a muscle relaxer in order to take the edge off during laser hair removal should be fine.

Can regular shampoo be used after relaxing?

No u MUST use some type of neutralizing shampoo to rinse the relaxer chemical out of your hair. After that you can use whatever kind of shampoo you would like.

Can you leave hair relaxer in the fridge?

There no professional facts or research on leaving hair chemical in the refrigerator by any source. It's not a healthy food item and it should not be place around food. There no label that state hair relaxer can be store in the refrigerator. This is a myth that was made up by woman or man. If there were facts on this it would be on label's as well in chemical books. There are health risks involving contamination to food with all type of chemicals. I recommend no one do this for the safety of yourself and others.

Which type of soap should you use for your shower?

Baking soda and Vinegar mixed is a good soap because it creates a chemical reaction which is good for the hair